baru aja mau posting cm7 rc5.2 udah muncul lagi cm7 rc5.3,y udh langsung aja deh saya share,tp custom rom ini blm smpet saya test karena blm smpet saya download. tapi klo mau coba silahkan aja,hehe
Download bahan2nya dimari :
1.Cyanogenmod 7.2.0 rc5.3
2.Update System for CyanogenMOD 7.2.0 RC5.3 ( MUST DOWNLOAD )
3.Update Tun and Cifs module for CyanogenMOD 7.2.0 RC5.3 ( OPTIONAL )
NEW !!!
4.Gapps for this custom rom. tinggal install lewat recovery aja setelah semua file di atas udah selesai di install di mininya kk
ini changelognya saya copas langsung dari threadnya mastah yanuar harry aka squadzone di xda :
added max length value SMS changeable into MMS ( configure this from MMS settings )
Fix FM radio for audio routing and seek support
added option to lock dock button into ADWLauncher ( enable this via ADW settings )
Fix rotation on Gallery3D, no more banding image, and better scan all image from sdcard ( if this still happen, just run dev tools app, and click media scan, wait until finish, and done )
use media service for MUSIC, for better scan all music from sdcard ( if this still happen, just run dev tools app, and click media scan, wait until finish, and done )
Rebased with cyanogenmod again and Rewriting all app to decrease whitespace on java
Fix user interface touch configuration, due to error appear from logcat while touching
Fix keyboard theme problem that came from 3rd party app
Fix system permission
Fix scroll cache option due to problem ( not apply ) when click force disable scroll cache
Fix camera colour capture image and video when using high or low setting, and force enable samsung service camera
Fix screenshot colour image ( no more blur ) when trying capture SS after animation stop
FIX DSP manager configuration, due to problem FC when apply some config
Improve lockscreen animation, due to some lag when scroll cache is force disable
Rewriting binary file, due to problem when execute with busybox or toolbox
Improve sensor service orientation, due to problem with ICS rotation animation
Rewriting and Recompile libaudio using CM-audio implementation ( Kanged from and Thanks to Psyke83 )
Improve HTML proccessing, to improve browser when trying to open full website not mobile website
Force enable static a2dp while using bluetooth headset or handsfree ( i hope, but my bluetooth headset is broken now, and i cant test, so please test this )
Readd Setup_fs for optimizing data and cache partition, ( i forgot to add this before )
Framework optimizing to decrease some error when booting, after apply from HDPI theme ( looks better now, but still need to find HDPI theme that compatible with our device )
Patch GLES android to not use software rendering, use Full gpu hardware rendering due to problem with some HD GAME ( i hope )
cara install :
-base : 2.3.4 (disarankan pake xxkpk,tapi kalo pake xxkpi atau yg lain silahkan aja,hehe)
-harus udah install clockworkmod recovery,caranya ada di postingan custom rom andro-id v3.2
-Pindahkan semua bahan yang sudah di sediakan di atas ke sdcard si mini
-install file no.1 lewat recovery,jangan lupa sebelumnya wipe data n cache dlu
-kalo udah selesai pilih reboot system now
-nah klo udah selesai install cm7 rc 5 nya masuk recovery lagi,lalu install file no.2 lalu file no.3 (tidak perlu wipe data n cache utk install file no.2 dan 3. klo ke 2 nya udah di install reboot system now lagi.
NOTE : Silahkan DWYOR,saya blm nyobain custom rom ini. nanti klo udah saya test langsung saya kasih screenshootnya